FASoS - methods and research software
Welcome to the FASoS wiki of methods and research software!
This repository outlines the research methods taught in degree programmes at FASoS. The brief method descriptions have been created collaboratively by the FASoS teaching staff and offer a starting point for the students' research. As methods are often contested and develop over time, the descriptions and resources provided here cannot be final or complete. In fact, the term wiki comes from the Hawaiian expression wiki wiki, which means "very quick". Please note that we also mention research software provided by UM / FASoS and used in various courses. The wiki aims to help students with their theses and to give (new) supervisors an overview.
Work in progress
This wiki is a work in progress. The first version focused on the BA DS programme, but other content will follow. Researchers wishing to contribute to the Wiki can contact Monika Barget (HISTORY) and receive editing access. Please also notify us if you find mistakes or outdated information.
Sources linked and cited
Please note that sources linked and cited are very general overviews (e.g. educational websites or handbooks) that should merely be a starting point for further research. To find a wide range of academic (e-)books and journals available to UM students and staff, please use LibSearch, the discovery tool of the Maastricht University Library.
Authors and acknowledgments
Monika Barget set up the original Wiki with the support of student assistant Aarni Rantanen (Law) in 2023. Authors who have contributed to individual sections are credited in each Wiki entry.